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The next three decades will be one of the most disruptive periods ever experienced in modern society. Ben’s mission is to help audiences better prepare.
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Ben Lytle

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What is a Potentialist?

Ben Lytle

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About Ben Lytle

Ben Lytle is a self-made serial entrepreneur-CEO known for being ahead of the curve. Creating something out of nothing, adjusting and thriving during change, Lytle now is a thought leader on the future. He launched five successful companies, two listing on the New York Stock Exchange. His best-known success being Anthem, with a current market value of more than $100 billion. He is a healthcare policy expert who served on state and presidential healthcare commissions, and a governance leader with extensive public company experience. Learn more about Ben’s story here.

About Ben Lytle

Ben Lytle is a self-made serial entrepreneur-CEO known for being ahead of the curve. Creating something out of nothing, adjusting and thriving during change, Lytle now is a thought leader on the future. He launched five successful companies, two listing on the New York Stock Exchange. His best-known success being Anthem, with a current market value of more than $100 billion. He is a healthcare policy expert who served on state and presidential healthcare commissions, and a governance leader with extensive public company experience. Learn more about Ben’s story here.

About the Books: The Potentialist Series

The Potentialist bookTransformational disruptions are coming. Instead of having your head in the clouds, the cloud will be in your head – thanks to brain-to-computer interface (BCI) – leaving you with just two choices, adapt or be left behind. Ben Lytle lays out what’s next and how to get ready for it in his indispensable new book, THE POTENTIALIST: Your Future in the New Reality of the Next Thirty Years (Amplify Publishing; September 27, 2022). Lytle has written a Future Shock for the 21 st century, explaining how every one of us can thrive during these rapid changes by becoming a Potentialist.

The next 30 years will include a seismic shift in well-known institutions – such as government, education, religion, news media, and reliance on employers. Lytle looks at this new future through a lens of opportunity, not anxiety and fear, while emphasizing that now is the time to take action.

Topics include:

  • Futurist vs Potentialist
  • Need to act now to make necessary changes and preparations
  • Democratization & Deinstitutionalization
  • Careers, Brands, & Entrepreneurs
  • Superhumans & Cyborgs
  • Optimizing health as life expectancy expands
  • Refinement vs Retirement

With years of research and extensive experience at Fortune 500 companies, Lytle explains in simple terms the New Reality, democratization, and how to differentiate yourself and succeed. He covers how technology will impact human abilities and our world, and what to expect regarding careers, healthcare, wealth, and new definitions for success, residency, and retirement.

Lytle says accelerating change, democratization, and deinstitutionalization are not about doom and gloom, but unparalleled opportunity for everyone who acts to seize it. The goal is a higher level of personal performance and a broader perspective of the changes afoot. He offers immediate steps to improve personal readiness for the future while leaving the world a little better in the process.

Media Inquiries

Pace Public Relations

Addisyn Bryant Addisyn@pacepublicrelations


Leah Rogers [email protected]

To Book Ben as a Speaker, Podcast or Media Guest.

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