In this talk, Ben Lytle discusses the importance of addressing existential or “unavoidable” questions, which help individuals navigate life, make wise decisions, and reach their potential by balancing personal and universal truths, especially as societal institutions struggle to keep pace with rapid change.
The Pursuit of Wisdom Videos

Life's Unavoidable Questions
Natural Law
In this talk, Ben Lytle explains the concept of natural law, emphasizing its universal, timeless nature and its role in guiding human behavior, decision-making, and creativity, highlighting key laws such as the law of polarity, cause and effect, and the importance of embracing tension to foster wisdom and innovation.
In this talk, Ben Lytle explains the concept of the “INME” as the true self or best version of oneself, discussing how discovering and nurturing it leads to self-actualization, better decision-making, and a more fulfilling life by balancing internal voices such as the ego, conscience, and soul, while encouraging patience and trust in the process of personal growth.
The Psychological Body / INME
In this talk, Ben Lytle discusses the concept of the psychological body, explaining how visualizing and understanding its functions, such as the ego, shadow, soul, and conscience, can help individuals discover and strengthen their “INME,” the true self, leading to wisdom, rational decision-making, and self-fulfillment.
In this talk, Ben Lytle explores the concept of consciousness as an advanced psychological function that allows for moments of profound understanding and intuitive leaps, often experienced as “aha” moments, explaining how these moments of transcendence can expand one’s wisdom, strengthen the true self or “INME,” and provide access to timeless truths through openness and reflection.

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Life will be remade in the next thirty years...
…as historical barriers to human growth, performance, and quality of life are reduced or disappear. Democratization will progressively make everything available to everyone. Education, information, access to markets, capital, and opportunity that were the historical province of the elite will become universal. Birth limitations such as life expectancy and inherited minds and bodies will be exceeded. Distance will matter little if at all in your career, business, relationships, or lifestyle. You can have a far more productive and meaningful life than past generations as you live decades longer with expanded intellectual and physical capacity. Career and lifestyle choices and the work you do will be vastly different and better. Relationships will become more important and expansive but different and require new skills. You will redefine success and meaning as barriers to your potential fall.
But this vastly expanded life potential comes at a price
You must understand what is coming and act now to prepare and adapt if you are to reap its benefits. Ignoring the coming changes, resisting, or procrastinating will cause you to miss opportunities, fall behind, and suffer as many people did in prior periods of great change. The choice is yours to make.
Your enemy is the unfortunate human quality of procrastination. Most people avoid decisions or actions until forced to make them. They avoid preparing for the future because it makes them anxious, the present is comfortable, and they believe pre-emptive action is futile. Immediate painless action is avoided despite compelling evidence of dire consequences from delay. The procrastination mindset has always been a bad idea but becomes manifestly self-destructive in the New Reality.
Two examples make the point
Most people fail to develop a habit of saving and investing 10% of earnings when they are young even though it is painless, expands career and lifestyle options, and protects against poverty in old age. Most people fail to develop a habit of a healthy lifestyle when young even though they will immediately feel better and more energetic and prevent decades of disability and poor health. Both are habits easily formed in 3-12 months and avoid needless suffering. Both exemplify human beings performing far below their innate potential and there are many other examples. New Reality consequences will be a wasted opportunity to live better, wiser, and more meaningful lives than people have ever lived.
Ben Lytle
Ben Lytle has been routinely ahead of the curve in his career as an entrepreneur, CEO, and investor and in how he has chosen to live. For several years, he has been paying close attention to the converging forces of change that few people have recognized. Ben makes a compelling argument in this first book that this convergence will reshape life as we know it and every human being as they know themselves today. He makes the case that life and people will emerge better in the end but that there will be turbulent times, difficult decisions, and rough sledding on the way, particularly for those who are unprepared.
Create a Future Where You Thrive
Adapting to change isn’t optional. Learn the trends of the New Reality now in Ben Lytle's Potentialist Series.

Ben Lytle demystifies human potential and wisdom to make them attainable to all who seek their best.
In this highly anticipated second installment of The Potentialist series, The Pursuit of Wisdom, Ben Lytle—Fortune 500 CEO, serial entrepreneur, and author, takes you on an uplifting journey to unleash your potential and accelerate the decision-making wisdom vital during this period of the greatest change in human history.
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Create a Future Where You Thrive
Adapting to change isn’t optional. Learn the trends of The New Reality now in the first installment of The Potentialist Series, The Potentialist I: Your Future in the New Reality of The Next Thirty Years.