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Calm Courage for a New Reality

Ben Lytle

The future frightens many because it is uncertain, and most assume things will worsen.  Both uncertainty and the presumption of worse are not reality but distortions of the ego. Everything in nature and life is uncertain and constantly changing, even rocks, mountains, and steel. At a minimum, the future has a fifty-fifty chance of being better. However, the odds improve substantially when thousands of years of progress in civilization, quality of life, and life expectancy are considered. The odds of a better future increase yet again viewed in light of the innovations we see ahead, much less those we cannot yet predict.


The reality is we are living in the best time in history—the medicine and technology we ungratefully take for granted was unimaginable only decades ago. That may sound ridiculous if your worldview is founded on or heavily influenced by TV or written news, which is almost all bad.  Again, this is not reality. With a few exceptions, It is a perversion of the once wonderful news industry that informed people to make better decisions. Today’s 24/7 mass media economic engine is devoted to selling and manipulating using alarmism, fear, and uncertainty.


The media isn’t solely responsible; if people unwisely continue buying, they’ll continue selling without conscience. It doesn’t mean the world’s heartbreaking problems and suffering aren’t real. Instead, it is accepting the reality of humanity’s enormous progress instead of feeding a built-in bias of fear distortion.  To use a silly example, wouldn’t it be refreshing if a local or national news anchor said, “Yesterday in Albuquerque, 955,000 people lived a life of historical prosperity and safety, but It was a horrible day for 2,820 of them.”


How about reframing our perspective on reality and a balanced perspective?  Those living through the next three decades must face and solve new ominous challenges, assuming theirs are the worst ever, like every prior generation. But this time, the upside is much more significant.  There is a realistic opportunity to address previously unsolvable problems and achieve a historic leveling of society through innovation, economic opportunity,  and declining divisions grounded in language, culture, and education.


My first book in a three-part series, The Potentialist I: Your Future in the New Reality of the Next Thirty Years, dives into the immense opportunities that the next thirty years will bring and how we all have the potential (and power) to flourish in this New Reality—provided we prepare for and embrace the future wisely through a lens of opportunity rather than fear. The seven steps outlined in the book will help position everyone for what is coming.


I have just completed The Potentialist II: The Pursuit of Wisdom, which will be available in the Fall of 2024. This book defines human potential—yours, mine, and everyone else’s—and explains how to achieve it to become wise. Wisdom is the greatest human achievement and the best preparation for success in the next three decades. Inaction and trial and error won’t work this time because of the pace and extent of change.  But nothing will stop those who act to become their best to do their best.



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Ben Lytle

Ben Lytle has been routinely ahead of the curve in his career as an entrepreneur, CEO, and investor and in how he has chosen to live. For several years, he has been paying close attention to the converging forces of change that few people have recognized. Ben makes a compelling argument in this first book that this convergence will reshape life as we know it and every human being as they know themselves today. Learn more about The Potentialist book here.